





1. 这些发电机的额定电流是多少?

How many is the rated current of these alternators.

2. 现在是否可以进行发电机的动车试验。

Shall we begin the starting test for the generator now?

3. 发电机已经启动完毕,一切正常。

The generator has been started and everything is okay.

4. 发电机是2000年制造的。

The generator is made in 2000.

5. 交流发电机不应该忽然得卸载。

The A.C. generator should not unload suddenly.

6. 应急发电机的能量是多少?

What about the capacity of the emergency generator?

7. 复激发电机有两组励磁线圈。

The pound generator has two sets of filed coils.

8. 备用发电机的自动启动。

The automatic start up of a standby generator.

9. 一台发电机满足航行中全部电源要求。

One generator covers all power demand when at sea.

10. 每台发电机的短路器必须有过电流脱扣装置。

Each generator circuit breaker must be fitted with over current trip.

11. 应急发电机组的原动机,在零度下具有冷机启动的能力。

The prime mover of emergency generatingsets is to be capable of being started in cold condition at a temperature of 0℃.

12. 应急发电机组在任何一个方向上倾斜达30度时都应能很好的工作。

The emergency alternating set should function properly when it tilts to a limit of 30 degrees in any direction.

13. 并联运行的交流发电机应设有延时3-10秒动作的逆功率保护。

A.C. generator arranged to operate in parallel are to be provided with a reverse-power protection, with a time delay set within 3-10 seconds.

14. 当两台或多台机组并联运行时,必须保证有功功率和无功功率在发电机组间均匀分配。

When two or more sets are operating in parallel it must be ensured that both power and wattles power are shared between the machines.

15. 你们何时开始修理交流柴油发电机组。

When will you begin to repair the alternator-diesels?

16. 发电机什么时候送到车间去。

When will the generator be sent to the workshop?

17. 发电机的这些部件不值得修理,我建议你最好换掉它们。

These parts of the generator are not worth repairing. I suggest you’d better replace them.

18. 重新安装后,发电机应满足基本要求,并且工作时无火花和无异常噪声。

After being refitted, the generator should be up to the principal requirements and run without sparks or abnormal noise.

19. 发电机自从安装以来一直工作得很好。

The generator has been working very well ever since its installation.

20. 这台交流发电机出了什么问题?

What’s wrong with the alternator?

21. 请将这台发电机修理一下。

Please make the generator repaired.

22. 固定励磁的交流发电机以固定的励磁装置代替支流励磁机。

The statically excited alternator has a static excitation system instead of D.C. exciter.

23. 电刷和集流环用来把电流传送到装在转子上的励磁线圈。

Brushes and sliprings are used to transfer the current to the field coils which are mounted on the rotor.

24. 当检修发电机时,你可以使用这些工具。

You will be allowed to use these tools when overhauling the generator.

25. 你应当将发电机浸漆,不要用喷漆的方法。

You should impregnate the motor. Do not use the spray method.

26. 将盘车机与主机脱开。

Keep the turning gear clear of the main engine.

27. 启动1号发电机。

Start (stop) NO.1 generator.

28. 重绕1号发电机电枢绕组。

Rewind the armature windings in NO.1 generator.

29. 发电机负载试验正常。

The load test for the generator was found in order.

30. 发电机将机械能转化换成电能。

Generator converts mechanical energy into electrical energy.

31. 这部发电机功率很大。

The generator is powerful.








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